2-Finger Front DiagonalThe diagonal grip is used to minimize skin friction even more than other types of Grips. |
3 Finger FrontThe index, middle and ring fingers are placed across the far upper edge of the dice as they sit side by side on the table. The pinkie finger is not used. |
3 Finger Front DiagonalThe thumb is on the back edge of the dice with the three fingers on the front edge of the dice. In this grip the thumb and all of the fingers are on the edges of the dice.
Ice TongWith the Ice Tong grip the thumb is placed on the left side and the index or middle finger is placed on the right side. No other fingers are used. Remember to keep both die parallel to the table surface. |
StackedThis is the Stacked Grip where the two die are "stacked", one on top of the other. |
5-FingerPrimary use is for underhand. Index and little fingers on the outside faces of the dice and the thumb set on the rear of the dice. Equal pressure applied, the forefinger and the ring fingers are centered on the front faces of the dice. |
2-Finger PincerIf one cannot master the 3-finger front grip at first, try this grip; it really works. This grip requires little force with very little friction. Just the right amount of back spin with a light loft for a very soft landing. |
Courtesy of DiceCoach.com